July 1970

Here's some early photos of when I was born.

Richard and I ready for Halloween. You'll notice these costumes get recycled later. (Mom made these for us). I think last year I saw two kids in North Ogden wearing these.

Say no to crack!

Every year for Christmas we would have a re-enactement of the manger scene. I think the only reason we did it was so Dad could get a kick out of painting mustaches on us.
Now you'll notice in this Halloween picture that the cute little bunny that used to be Richards, is now mine. You'll also notice that all my friends have cool costumes such as spider-man, etc. No wonder I had a hard time getting a date that night.
Hey Fergusons it is the Boofs (that is how the neighbor girls says our name). I found you on the "chucky's bride post" over @ the Froerers. Love this post............classic. I can't figure out which one is brandon in the birthday party picture. Hope you guys are staying out of trouble.
It is me again. I just have to ask, what is hanging on the wall in the birthday party picture??? It has totally peaked my curiousity.
Hey! Hanging on the wall is the extremely attractice frying pan clock we got for our wedding. I don't think they make them anymore, so you are out of luck if you wanted one.
Hey! I didn't get a DVD. Maybe it's on the way. Love it though, I think it's great!
Okay, Tom, you spoiled the surprise for Cindy. By the way--I meant "attractive" on my last post. Why doesn't this thing have spell-check?
I remember my mom always dressed me in those types of shirts, until she heard that kidnapers use the name on the back as a device to do thier kidnapping. Thus ended our trips to The Shirt Shack on 2nd Street.
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