Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sweet memories!

Today was picture day for Tristyn! She went to bed with curlers in and woke up with a frizz! After a little drama from combing it out, Tracey made it look beautiful as always. Now I just got to worry about the boys I'll have to chase off. She's our little princess. After Tracey got her all beautiful, and we dropped her off, I took Ty to pre-school. As we got out of the car he saw this little girl in his class and ran over to her. He was so excited! Her name is Montana, and Ty calls her "Hannah Montana". He ran over and held her hand and they walked into school together all giggling, and flirting(Is flirting possible in pre-school?). I was so glad I had the camera with me. I could hardly take the pictures I was laughing so hard. We're blessed to have these little ones in our life, they bring so much joy! They just have a way of loving life that is so refreshing. I am grateful for such beautiful children!

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