Monday, March 2, 2009

A cure for memory loss?

We were at my Mom and Dad's last night enjoying a nice meal and just hanging out. My brother Rich was browsing through the books on the bookshelf and came across this little gem.
"So Mom, did this really work?" (It's a family joke about how Mom can be a little forgetful lately).
That's when my sister chimed in "She forgot she bought it."
We all started laughing and looked at Mom who was laughing as well admitting this was true.
Thanks for the laugh Mom, that's a classic.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm good for something--even if it IS a good laugh at my expense!

Ferguson Family said...

You're a good sport Mom. I love you.

Cindy said...

Maybe we shouldn't laugh so hard, it'll probably be us that needs that book in a few years.