Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What the heck, Santa?

We recently had our ward Christmas party. It was a lot of fun as there was music, dancing, good food, and of course Santa. Ty didn't enjoy the Santa part so much. He sat on his lap just fine, but as you can see from the picture he wasn't too excited about the results. All the kids got a little package from Santa, with some candy and a couple other little items in it. We asked Ty why the sour face and he said he asked Santa for a sword and when he opened his package, fully expecting a sword to be in it, he was a little upset to find it missing a sword. We tried to explain that Santa doesn't give it to you right then, but he's still a little ticked off at him. So other than Ty not getting his sword, we all had a good time.

Ty loved dancing with the ladies!

Tristyn and her friend Paige

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I agree with Ty. Santa NEVER gives me what I ask for.