Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's your speed?

I decided to go out for a little afternoon run while Ty was in pre-school yesterday. It was a nice day for a run and I was feeling pretty good about my speed, etc. I turned a corner to go down this one street and saw one of those "Your speed" signs. The ones that tell you how fast your going and how fast you should be going. I started speeding up a little just for fun to see if I would register on it. Suddenly this 16 flashed up on the sign. I got this big 'ol grin and started thinking thoughts like "Boston marathon, here I come" etc. I had my earphones in and so I was a little startled when suddenly a car passed by me and my dreams got a quick dose of reality. It was the car that had registered and not me. Oh well, maybe I can still qualify for the senior division someday.


Claudia T said...

hahaha I still think you should run in the Boston marathon!

K.Booth said...

I hate when your thunder gets stolen. I feel your pain, I felt that way....then I got called a "speed walker".......then I started saying the F word again.

Cindy said...

16 mph would indeed be very impressive. You'd not only be running the Boston marathon, you'd be winning it. By a long shot.
You would have been famous. Oh well. I'll still be impressed when you run, but not win, Boston.