Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bountiful harvest....a little early

I was out mowing in the backyard while Ty was playing when I decided to do the 15-minute check. As I came up by where our peach trees are Ty was proudly standing by a pile of peaches. "Look Dad I picked some apples", he proudly stated. We were looking forward to our little peach harvest as this would have been the first year. We had a nice harvest of 26 peaches, just happened to be about a month too soon. I'll bet next year they'll sure taste good.


Claudia T said...

awwww but look how cute he looks w/ his dog... :)

Cindy said...

You were probably nicer than I would have been, but who can blame you? Look at that face!

K.Booth said...

Ty, that boy has a future in farming.