Monday, May 17, 2010

Ogden marathon 2010

I'm grateful to have made it through this one. I knew it wasn't a good sign when the second song that came on my i-pod after I started was Shania Twains "man, I feel like a woman". I really need to work on my play-list. Anyway here's a few pictures that My Mom took along the way. Thanks for being there to cheer me on Mom and Dad. Also thanks to all those who cheered along the way, it's always a big lift.


cgbooth23 said...

Way to go!!! I am always impressed by the people who take on marathons...............I love to sit and the finish line and cry as people finish.

even if I think they need a pychological evaluation.

Cindy said...

Don't forget-the Iron Man is down here for the next 4 years. It's not too late to start training.